Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The power we all seek.

I remember always wanting to have super powers, to have the ability to fly, jump and run so fast that not even superman himself could catch me. Those powers never came to me, but I learned that with art I could make anything and everything possible. Yet in our hands we have so much control we don’t need to see lighting shooting out of them to feel the energy of someone. My hands as many can do so much, they can be carrying; they leave a imprint in our memories.Anytime my mom holds my hand it flashes me back to being a little kid and holding her hand when I was scared, her hands felt like a glove nothing could harm me.

The power of hands. when I use to play football I always wonder how I could do the things I do. My hands would take the punishment of being hit by other players, the overbearing heat wave of those long summer hell week days. Looking down at my hand the middle finger of my right hand is damaged forever. I got it stuck in a teammate’s helmet trying to recover a fumble. Oh the pain of having to get my stuck finger away from his face mask still gives me chills. They can also make a beautiful art work. It amazes me how my hands can execute the idea I see in my mind. These hands that I was blessed with make some drawings that have people ask me how I do it. I say my hands do all the work.

Hands can also be the focus of my art work. In this case a few days ago I had this idea to use my phone and the computer to make it seem like my hands can fire lighting at will. I wanted to show how sometimes we hold our feelings, thoughts, anger or ideas for way too long. they reach a point that we must release. I like the thought that If i could shoot lighting from my hands I would throw a huge ball of lighting. trying to give this art work the feel that inside my skin the energy from the lighting is being used, in which my whole body is charging up to let this out. I love the illusion of power being in my hand. It is something as a kid I wonder how that would look. I guess you can say my hands have knocked out a dream from my bucket list! It's Amazing how hands can do so much yet we take them for granted. I am blessed to have these hands that do more than just point at things and express my emotions. These hands will keep on making magic.

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